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Connect xAPI / Learning Locker


xAPI is a standard to store and retrieve information about progress and events related to learning status of an user

The data format is json encapsulated and usually stored in NoSQL-Like databases.

Typical events may include:

  • A finished course (including a score)
  • An interaction with interactive material
  • Viewing or Downloading Materials (reported by edu-sharing)

Some systems that support xAPI include:

  • h5p
  • moodle

This is an optional component

  • Install a Learning Locker on the current server using different ports, or (recommended), on an other server
  • Go into your Learning Locker UI and go to settings → Stores and create a new Store
  • Now, go to Settings → Clients, choose the newly created client for your score, and note the value found at "Basic Auth"
    • This will be used as your api key
  • Create a learning-locker.connectors.xml and insert the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">


<entry key="appid">learning_locker</entry>

<entry key="type">LEARNING_LOCKER</entry>

<entry key="host">server_addeess</entry>

<entry key="apikey">your_basic_auth_key</entry>

  • Go to your edu-sharing, login as admin, go to Admin-Tools → Sources
  • Upload the created XML file to your repository
  • The Learning Locker instance should now appear in the table of currently connected instances


When an xAPI system is connected, the repository will report any data as listed above. This also contains user id's and their related actions.

Currently, the system will not delete any tracked data. For fullfilling data privacy requirements, make sure that your user id's are already non-related to real user data or manually handle deleting and cleanup

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