Connecting & URL
The edu-sharing REST API is located at:
In order to discover and test the endpoints, edu-sharing ships with a swagger REST documentation GUI.
You can access it via:
Basic Requests
In order to communicate with the API, the "Accept" and "Content-Type" header NEEDS to be set:
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Note: For some endpoints that accept form data, the Content-Type should be 'multipart/form-data' instead
The API supports different Authentication methods as described below.
If you do not provide any authentication, the system will use the guest user (if existing) or deny all data requests if no guest is configured.
In order to check if the authentication succeeded, please send these requests to the following endpoint:
Basic Auth
This is recommended to get started.
You simply send the Basic Auth using the Base64 encoding for "username:password"
Authorization: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0// authenticate as user test with password test
Session Auth
As soon as the system provides you with a Session (found in the "Set-Cookie" Response Header, "JSESSIONID"), it is possible to reuse this session to keep your authentication state:
Cookie: JSESSIONID=<sessionid>
You can also use an accessToken previously generated via OAuth to authenticate.
Authentication: Bearer <accessToken>
Edu Ticket Auth
If you have an Edu Ticket (this is usually provided via AuthByApp), you can also use the ticket to authenticate.
Authentication: EDU-TICKET <ticketid>
AppAuth / Auth via Signature
When your app is registered in the repository, you may authenticate as any user without credentials by providing your app signature
First of all, register your application (Admin Tools → Remote Systems → Upload XML)
Make sure that your app provides at least the following data:
<public_key>your apps public key</public_key>
<domain>localhost</domain> <!-- the domain from which this app will make requests, otherwise authentication will be rejected -->
<host></host> <!-- the host from which this app will make requests, otherwise authentication will be rejected -->
<trustedclient>true</trustedclient> <!-- must be true -->
Then, authenticate at the endpoint
POST edu-sharing/rest/authentication/v1/appauth/{userId}
Set the appropriate username in the url, and (optional) send the following payload for userprofile:
"primaryAffiliation": "string",
"extendedAttributes": {"attname":["attval_1","attval_2"]},
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"email": "string"
In order to authenticate with your app, please attach the following headers to your request:
X-Edu-App-Id: your-app-id
X-Edu-App-Sig: <signature>
X-Edu-App-Signed: A Signed Payload which must include your timestamp and should include other dynamic data
X-Edu-App-Ts: timestamp (Unix Timestamp in Milliseconds, like System.currentTimeMillis())
When everything works, you will get a response including the actual authorityName (this is may or may not the username you provided, depending on several internal constrains) as well as a ticket. Use the ticket for the Edu-Ticket-Auth (see above)
The following examples show basic tasks like creating nodes (files/folders) or searching data.
In this example, the authentication is skipped. Please make sure to provide an appropriate authentication as described above.
Creating an object in the user home folder
Create the node (which will be an empty object containing just the name and metadata)
Request:CODEPOST /edu-sharing/rest/node/v1/nodes/-home-/-userhome-/children?type=ccm:io&renameIfExists=true HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.19.0 Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 1e35070e-2de9-4584-8ff5-8fbcb83afde1,86784f35-ef92-476c-804c-d5ade3e484b1 Host: localhost:8080 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Content-Length: 26 Cookie: JSESSIONID=BA0981CD4FC20445593000EA669AF4CE Connection: keep-alive cache-control: no-cache { "cm:name":["Test.txt"] }
CODE{ "node": { "isDirectory": false, "commentCount": 0, "ref": { "repo": "local", "id": "b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d", "archived": false, "isHomeRepo": true }, "parent": { "repo": "local", "id": "79705b2a-630a-4cb0-b983-fd0c40c2b6f8", "archived": false, "isHomeRepo": true }, "type": "ccm:io", "aspects": [ "cclom:lifecycle", "ccm:eduscope", "cclom:technical", "ccm:iometadata", "ccm:usageaspect", "sys:referenceable", "sys:localized", "cclom:schema", "cm:metadataset", "ccm:licenses", "ccm:commonlicenses", "cclom:rights", "cm:thumbnailed", "cm:auditable", "ccm:lomreplication", "cclom:meta-metadata", "cclom:general", "ccm:educontext" ], "name": "Test.txt", "title": null, "metadataset": "default", "description": null, "repositoryType": "ALFRESCO", "createdAt": "2019-11-12T10:06:46Z", "createdBy": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-12T10:06:46Z", "modifiedBy": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" }, "access": [ "ReadAll", "Comment", "AddChildren", "ChangePermissions", "Write", "Delete", "CCPublish" ], "contentVersion": null, "contentUrl": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/eduservlet/redirect?APP_ID=local&NODE_ID=b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d", "downloadUrl": null, "properties": {}, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mediatype": "file-txt", "size": null, "preview": { "isIcon": false, "isGenerated": true, "url": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/preview?nodeId=b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d&storeProtocol=workspace&storeId=SpacesStore&dontcache=1573553206760", "width": null, "height": null }, "iconURL": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/themes/default/images/common/mime-types/svg/file-txt.svg", "licenseURL": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/ccimages/licenses/none.svg", "collection": null, "owner": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" } } }
Take the node → ref → id to address the node in the next request
Request:CODEPOST /edu-sharing/rest/node/v1/nodes/-home-/b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d/content?mimetype=text/plain HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW Accept: application/json User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.19.0 Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 65f93cbe-bfb1-415c-ab2d-2376b74dfdbb,017cc9bd-6eb6-4669-871b-fd877e6f55b5 Host: localhost:8080 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Cookie: JSESSIONID=BA0981CD4FC20445593000EA669AF4CE Content-Length: 210 Connection: keep-alive cache-control: no-cache Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/C:/Test.txt ------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--
CODE{ "node": { "isDirectory": false, "commentCount": 0, "ref": { "repo": "local", "id": "b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d", "archived": false, "isHomeRepo": true }, "parent": { "repo": "local", "id": "79705b2a-630a-4cb0-b983-fd0c40c2b6f8", "archived": false, "isHomeRepo": true }, "type": "ccm:io", "aspects": [ "cclom:lifecycle", "ccm:eduscope", "cclom:technical", "ccm:iometadata", "ccm:usageaspect", "sys:referenceable", "sys:localized", "cclom:schema", "cm:metadataset", "ccm:licenses", "ccm:commonlicenses", "cclom:rights", "cm:thumbnailed", "cm:titled", "cm:auditable", "ccm:lomreplication", "cclom:meta-metadata", "cclom:general", "cm:author", "ccm:educontext" ], "name": "Test.txt", "title": null, "metadataset": "default", "description": null, "repositoryType": "ALFRESCO", "createdAt": "2019-11-12T10:06:46Z", "createdBy": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" }, "modifiedAt": "2019-11-12T10:26:45Z", "modifiedBy": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" }, "access": [ "ReadAll", "Comment", "AddChildren", "ChangePermissions", "Write", "Delete", "CCPublish" ], "contentVersion": null, "contentUrl": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/eduservlet/redirect?APP_ID=local&NODE_ID=b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d", "downloadUrl": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/eduservlet/redirect?APP_ID=local&NODE_ID=b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d¶ms=display%3Ddownload", "properties": {}, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mediatype": "file-txt", "size": "4", "preview": { "isIcon": false, "isGenerated": true, "url": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/preview?nodeId=b2f2f730-f852-4e52-90ab-3c6846b6a67d&storeProtocol=workspace&storeId=SpacesStore&dontcache=1573554406026", "width": null, "height": null }, "iconURL": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/themes/default/images/common/mime-types/svg/file-txt.svg", "licenseURL": "http://localhost:8080/edu-sharing/ccimages/licenses/none.svg", "collection": null, "owner": { "profile": null, "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "mailbox": "" } } }
AppAuth/Signature Auth: