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Assigning permissions to use the safe

Access to the safe tool of the repository can be provided for single users or user-groups by the system administrator.

On this page:


Granting access to the safe:

  1. Log in as the system administrator.
  2. Open the Workspace view.
  3. Navigate to: Edu_Sharing_System Edu_Sharing_Sys_ToolPermissions.
  4. Locate the object "TOOLPERMISSION_CONFIDENTAL".
  5. Invite the corresponding user or group to the object and give them "viewer" rights.
  6. Make sure the "...and may publish" option in the rights drop down menu is switched off.

assigning access to the safe tool


Revoking access to the safe:


  1. Log in as the system administrator.
  2. Open the Workspace view.
  3. Navigate to: Edu_Sharing_System Edu_Sharing_Sys_ToolPermissions.
  4. Locate the object "TOOLPERMISSION_CONFIDENTAL".
  5. Un-Invite the corresponding user or group from the object (Open invite dialogue, select the "INVIDED" tab and press the "x" button for the desired entry.).

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