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Getting the edu-sharing plugin

for users with access to the Moodle server

You will need the following packages in order to use the edu-sharing moodle integration:

Rename the paths of the downloaded and extracted folders to 'edusharing' and copy them to the following directories in Moodle:

  • the edu-sharing plugin: /moodle/mod/edusharing/
  • the edu-sharing filter: /moodle/filter/edusharing/
  • the edu-sharing atto plugin: /moodle/lib/editor/atto/plugins/edusharing/
  • the edu-sharing "workspace button": /moodle/blocks/edusharing-workspace/

for users without access to their Moodle server

If you don't have access to your Moodle directory (like most people using hosted Moodle installations) you can install the edu-sharing plugins for Moodle from the official Moodle plugin repository.

For the full edu-sharing experience we suggest you install all edu-sharing plugins.

  • The edu-sharing activity plugin has to be installed since the other plugins rely on it. It adds a new option to the activities/resource menu. Using the edu-sharing resource allows you to either pick content from the repository or upload it to a folder of the repository.
  • The edu-sharing editor atto plugin adds the option to embed all kinds of edu-sharing content to all WYSIWYG fields.
  • The edu-sharing filter displays edu-sharing content embedded in WYSIWYG fields using the editor plugin.

  • The edu-sharing workspace block adds a button taking you to the edu-sharing workspace and the edu-sharing search engine.

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