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Activating the group synchronisation between moodle and edu-sharing

As of version 4.0 it is possible to map your moodle user groups to Alfresco/edu-sharing. This will save your administrator tons of work.

Once activated the synchronisation tool will check the affiliation to global groups in moodle of each user receiving an edu-sharing ticket.

The synchronisation tool will then first create a parent group containing all your future mapped groups.
Then it will either create a new group in edu-sharing or make the user a member of an existing edu-sharing / Alfresco mapping of a moodle global group.

Only the first level of your global group structure will be mapped.

To activate the synchronisation:

  1. Log into your moodle as an administrator and go to:

    Dashboard / Site administration / Plugins / Activity modules / edu-sharing resource

  2. Scroll all the way down. Here you can find the "CONVEYGLOBALGROUPS" option.
  3. Activate the CONVEYGLOBALGROUPS option.
  4. Use the "AFFILIATION_NAME" field to use a custom name for the top group containing the global groups from your moodle LMS.
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