What is new in edu-sharing?
Time-controlled access rights
From version 9.1, it is possible to define the start and end of releases and publications for objects, orders and collections.
For example, the release of objects can be ended automatically at the end of a licence period.
The time control can be activated for existing releases and publications or configured directly when creating releases.

Search less, find more
edu-sharing 9.1 offers a synonym search for all text fields.
Configuration is conveniently carried out via the edu-sharing tracker. The desired metadata fields are selected here.

Improved OAI interface
The OAI interface now supports several metadata formats - including Dublin Core (dc). The formats dc, lom and hs_oer_lom are activated by default, other formats can be configured flexibly. The optimised structure makes it easier to add new formats or adapt existing ones. This allows us to maximise flexibility while maintaining the same standard.

Authorisations for the external embedding of objects
This feature is intended to ensure granular control over the use and distribution of media to ensure that they can only be embedded in authorised contexts. This feature makes it possible to use authorisations (rights) to control whether a medium can be embedded or not. Not only the plugin integration is taken into account, but also the integration of the medium via our eduservlet/embed and its use in an iframe.
This means:
Increased security and control over content.
Protection against unwanted use or publication of media.
Compliance with rights and licence regulations.

Tombstone pages for withdrawn publications
The feature serves the transparency and traceability of deletions without making sensitive or irrelevant content accessible. Users should be able to recognise that a publication has been withdrawn and why, without losing the entire context.
When a publication is withdrawn, the entire content of the publication is removed.
Minimal metadata such as title, creation date, author and, if applicable, publication date remain.
An optional deletion reason can be specified, which is displayed on the Tombstone page.